Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Houston, I have a problem.

So, I started seeing these relatively bland mugs on my frequent visits to Marshall's, but paid them no mind.  One day I saw one that said HELLO, I am kinda a big ass Adele fan and felt like, "OMMMMMGGGG I SOOOOOO NEED THIS HELLLLLLLOOOO FROM THE OTHER SIDE" mug.  Well, it was chipped.  Badly.  I painfully placed it back on the shelf and cried inside.  I vowed I would find another.
Welp, that didn't exactly happen.....but I did do a vast amount of research on these tall fonted, messy mugs. They are super popular, some words are super coveted.....and if you find the bakeware or a canister you have found the epic unicorn of the collection.
I discovered Rae Dunn, the artist behind this pottery.
And she doesn't just make mugs, oh no she does not....
She makes a ton of potterific stuff. Plates, planters, bowls, etc.

The hunt for HELLO began.
I came up empty handed at every Marshall's, TJ Maxx, and Home Goods in the area.
I did find a shit ton of other ones.  And that started what I call a collection.  I became a DUNNkie.
Now it's the thrill of the hunt.
I did manage to find a reseller with HELLO and I sucked it up and spent triple the price of the mug just to add it to my collection. I do pick up plenty of extras and doubles in my travels to help others that need the joy that I find with collecting this crap made in China....and to repay my bank account for my hoarding tendencies.
Well, now I am 31 mugs in.
Yep.  THIRTY ONE.  Do 30 of you want to come by for coffee??  Hello is mine.
The most recent haul.....

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