Monday, March 20, 2017

Day 1 - Dragging. Ass.

Up at 6am
GYM....shower at gym.... wasn't awful, just a royal pain in the ass trying to pack all my crap to drag there to get ready.  I managed to remember everything.
Except my work ID.  oops
Drank a wicked amount of water at the gym.
no coffee.
Made my shake when I got to the office, enjoyed it. 
Lunch was a jar salad with the homemade orange poppyseed dressing found here 
and a side of stawberries and kiwi.
Mid day snack was another shake.  I have only used the dutch chocolate.....I like to blend in some ice, coconut milk, spinach and frozen cherries.  
Dinner was spicy pulled chicken with gluten free tortillas and some avocado. I fed the tortillas to the dogs. They were terrible. (yes the Sriracha has some sugar in it, baby steps people) 

Rules of the shred:

  1. Add more fruits and veggies to your diet, I am supplementing with these.  They are quite yummy....the veggie one is a little meh.  They come in capsule form too but I don't like swallowing pills. 
    • Twice a day, have a whole food plant-based, gluten-free, non-GMO,shake mix that can either be shaken with water, coconut water, plant-based milk such as rice milk,or blended with more whole foods such as leafy greens, a variety of seeds, and seasonal fruits. Get creative with them. I am using this
  2. Completely avoid dairy (animal milk products, including even goat cheese and yogurts) and gluten (wheat, rye and barley). This will significantly reduce inflammation in the body.
  3. Eat real food.
    Avoid artificial colors, sweeteners, chemicals and GMO foods.
  4. Avoid late night meals. Allow 4-5 hours between your last meal and when you go to bed.
  5. Get 7-8 hours of sleep. Plan your day accordingly for 10 days.
  6. No caffeine or alcohol for 10 days
  7. Reduce your stress through breathing and meditation practices. Just take 10 deep breaths a few times a day or during stressful moments.
  8. DRINK WATER!  my hardest part
  9. 30 minutes of exercise a day....I did one hour already today so I am taking tomorrow

It is now 7:15. I'm in bed. Exhausted. Didn't sleep well last night.  Was up early. Then no caffeine. Hopeful for a better tomorrow. 

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